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After a period of momentary quiet in the GraydonGate scandal, a New York Observer editorial takes a poke at Vanity Fair editor/Hollywood bedfellow Graydon Carter (who is a former NYO editor):

The moment Mr. Carter accepted a $100,000 payment from Universal Pictures—money he received in return for suggesting that the book A Beautiful Mind be made into a movie—Vanity Fair as an institution threw in the towel on its claims to journalistic ethics.

What Mr. Carter did was unconscionable. Reporters and editors are free to be on the take from their story subjects—but at that moment, they have declared their interest: Their fealty is to their sources, not their readers. By placing his own self-interest ahead of the integrity of his magazine, Mr. Carter has permanently tainted the fruits of whatever success Vanity Fair has enjoyed during his 12 years as editor and made its motives suspect to its readers.

The editorial also invokes the famous Herman Mankiewicz quote, "Millions are to be grabbed out here, and your only competition is idiots." And yet Carter only managed a measly hundred grand for coming up with the idea to adapt A Beautiful Mind. You'd think the handjobs Carter's VF hands out to Hollywood would be worth a little more than that to the idiots.