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Quick, without flipping over to IMDb: Do you know who Christopher McDonald is? He was Molly Shannon's asshole husband on the aborted Fox sitcom Cracking Up. He was asshole golfer Shooter McGavin in Happy Gilmore. Turn on any cable movie channel, and he's playing "The Asshole."

But he's the most unappreciated typecast-asshole in the business. Cintra Wilson, the funniest and smartest writer to occasionally dirty her hands with Hollywood, sings McDonald's praises in Salon (you have to sit through an ad to read the article, but it's worth it.)

Consider the name recognition of actors who should be condemned to pulling Chris McDonald around in a rose-covered pony-cart for the rest of their professional lives: Kevin Bacon. Rob Schneider, Pat Swayze. Jim Belushi. Tom Arnold, for the love of Moses. What went wrong? Where did we, the audience, fail Chris McDonald?