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Earlier, we didn't mean to suggest that veteran character actor Christopher McDonald actually is an asshole. Actually, he seems like our kind of guy. But we do agree with Cintra Wilson that McDonald is truly gifted at the on-screen portrayal of assholes; he's the Gielgud of silver-screen tools. A reader sends us a touching, real-life McDonald non-asshole experience:

I sat next to Chris McDonald at a Kings game last year and he wasn't an asshole at all. I gave him a Krispy Kreme. Then we laughed together as some poor Canadian got body checked into the glass right in front of us.

UPDATE: More "not an asshole in real life" reader buzz for Chris, after the jump:

I saw him on an Uptown subway in NYC last summer. I was kind of staring at him b/c I was trying to figure out where I knew him from. Then I realized he was Shooter McGavin. He noticed me staring and just smiled and nodded his head. Very un-A-hole-like.

[And while we're on the subject, anyone thinking of moving to LA should first read Wilson's A Massive Swelling, particulary her chapter on our fine city, "LA Is My Lady."]