Hollywood PrivacyWatch: The Rock In Porntown

Hollywood PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are sent in by readers. Make sure yours are recorded for posterity by emailing them to tips@defamer.com.
In this episode, The Rock deep in the Porn Valley, Jeff Bridges and Bruce Willis taking in some art at MOCA, Queen Latifah out for a hike, Jake Gyllenhaal rolling Benz-style, Mark Ruffalo among the hipsters, Brittany Murphy hugging a fan, Maria Bello, Jeremy Piven, Lauren Graham, and for people who consider the Antichrist a celebrity, Ann Coulter.
Bonus to Brittany Murphy sighting: Page Six reports that she's been dumped by fiance Jeff Kwatinetz, who is mentioned in our item below. Ouch.
[Ed.note—As always, the celebrity sightings are presented in order of "most famous" to "least famous" as determined by Defamer's highly capricious—yet astoundingly exact—Fame Algorithm™.]
· i was having lunch at the deli inside the powerhouse gym in chatsworth - i work in porn, what can i do? - and out walks The Rock with a couple buddies. he ordered his meal, sat down next to my friend and i and started to chat on his cellphone. perhaps chatsworth is the new hot spot for celebs to get away from all the hollywod hubbub...maybe not.
· Attended Mike Kelley art talk at the MOCA Geffen Contemporary and looked up to see Jeff Bridges in the back. Bruce Willis may have been there as well or else it was an aging Eastside "painter" type who looked an awful lot like Bruno in middle age; no hair, salt and pepper goatee and lots of charisma.
· I saw Queen Latifah hiking up the steep side of Runyon Canyon yesterday (Sunday) with what looked like, her personal trainer. She didn't have a stitch of make-up on but was glowing and very beautiful.
· Jake Gyllenhaal leaning out the window of a black Mercedes, talking to a woman with a dog in Poinsettia Park in West Hollywood. Mark Ruffalo, having cocktails at the Edendale Grill in Silver Lake.
· britanny murphy at nobu malibu this past saturday. girls night out - dining with a very very thin young thing and rounder older thing. spent 40% of her mealtime out by the entrance smoking and doublefisting with her cell and blackberry. happily hugged a tourist/fan who stopped her as she passed his table. had a long pow-wow with the waiter and a stout producer-type and his wife on her way out the door. the fat guy's wife thanked britanny for inviting her to some party, sent her best to brit's fiancee, jeff, and then dragged her by the hand to another table to meet someone else.
· Weird day of celebrity sightings on 5/23/04—thought everyone would stay home watching the Lakers on TV. Santa Monica Farmers Market- Maria Bello rushing by the tamale stand with her kid; Jeremy Piven looking for coffee.
· Lauren Graham spotted tonight at Instant Films Festival 2nd Anniversary party at Los Angeles Center Studios on Bixel. She spoke with great animation with Phil LaMarr, "Marvin" from Pulp Fiction, at the bar.
· Ann Coulter, at the Starbucks on the corner of Detroit and Beverly. She managed to illegally park in both the loading zone and a red zone at the same time. She got a ticket.