I hadn't realized Tina Brown — former editor of the New Yorker and Talk — had started her New York...

I hadn't realized Tina Brown former editor of the New Yorker and Talk had started her New York diary for the Times of London. It stumbles along charmingly enough, until Tina gets onto the subject of Jerry Levin the corporate wraith she spotted haunting the Four Seasons Restaurant the other day. Segue into a vicious email from Robert Hughes, Time's art critic, which Tina leaks. The email is to Levin.

How can I convey to you the disgust which your name awakens in me? The merger with Warner was a catastrophe. But the hitherto unimagined stupidity, the blind arrogance of your deal with Case simply beggars description. How can you face yourself knowing how much history, value and savings you have thrown away on your mad, ignorant attempt to merge with a wretched dial-up ISP? I don t know what advice you have to offer, but I have some for you. Buy some rope, go out the back, find a tree and hang yourself. If you had any honour you would.

Lunching in New York [Tina Brown]