This is a must-see. Christopher Hitchens and Andrew Sullivan, and others, discussing Orwell. And discussing Orwell is a synonym for...

This is a must-see. Christopher Hitchens and Andrew Sullivan, and others, discussing Orwell. And discussing Orwell is a synonym for a debate about the modern Left. Mark your calendars.
Thursday, October 24th, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Basic Books and the NYU Journalism Department present:
Does Orwell Matter? Social Criticism Today
Christopher Hitchens, author of Why Orwell Matters
Vivian Gornick, author of The Situation and the Story
Andrew Sullivan, author of Virtually Normal
Michael Walzer, author of The Company of Critics
Jurow Hall, Main Building
100 Washington Square East
New York University
The Christopher Hitchens Web