There's a Scorsese movie, After Hours, a great movie, in which Griffin Dunne stumbles around Manhattan, as if in an...

There's a Scorsese movie, After Hours, a great movie, in which Griffin Dunne stumbles around Manhattan, as if in an urban anxiety dream. That was yesterday: it was all fine until sushi at Yama, began to go wrong about the time that I bought the TiVo, and ended with my wallet and passport found in Harlem, a dishevelled man knocking on the door of my abandoned apartment, and Rick reporting me missing to the police.

I'm alive and well, reunited with Elizabeth and the wallet at Double Happiness, but I'm still mystified: where the hell is Aunt B's? I'd spoke with Tyler just 15 minutes before, there were restaurant noises in the background, but Aunt B's is now called Joey's, and they'd never heard of anyone called Tyler. Ah, Manhattan, how I love you.

The full story, about the wallet, is below: follow the links. But first, the lessons.

· Blog every day, or people will think something's happened to you.

· Blog every day, so people will realize if something's happened to you.

· If someone hasn't blogged in 24 hours, it may mean that they're [a] living, or [b] their hosting company's suffering a glitch.

· He hasn't blogged in 24 hours: this may not be enough to file a missing person's report.

· The only reason I'd go above 110th Street is to visit Rick Bruner.

· TiVo is a great device, but not worth handing over your wallet.

· Circuit City, and all who work in it
Why you asking me, it's not as if we stole it
rot in hell. Oh, of course, you already do.

· Goodness lurks in unlikely places.

· Bloggers may indeed be a community
yuck, how I hate that word.

· Moments before disaster struck [Scott Heiferman]

· Denied, denied, denied denied [Live Paypal statement]

· "I'm really worried about you" [Voicemail]

· Mean New Yorker, Nice New Yorker [Rick Bruner]

· The Mysterious Disappearance of Nicholas Denton [Elizabeth Spiers]

· Si tu blogues pas, c'est que t'es mort [Emmanuelle Richard]