Gossip roundup
· Liza downs three glasses of scotch, bursts into tears, at an Upper East Side restaurant. [Page Six] 1
· Graydon's publicist swears he'd never use the word "cock." [Page Six]
· NY Sun crime reporter (ironically) charged with arson. [Page Six]
· Ms.-hell-on-wheels, Lizzie Grubman, and anger management vet, Naomi Campbell, join forces. [Page Six]
· Groton school headmaster replaced after failure to deal with sex scandal. [Page Six]
· Justin Timberlake seen sharing a joint at Lotus with his mother [Page Six] 2
· Weinstein pal Liz Smith, not surprisingly, refers to Miramax production, Chicago, as "sensational." [Page Six] 3
· Liz says Chicago will go down as "one of filmdom's great musicals." [Page Six] 4
· Liz says she "can't imagine Chicago won't be a smash and bring in Oscar nods for Best Picture, Director, Actor, Actress...and Supporting Actress..." [Page Six] 5
· Brad Pitt considered "an insult to Asians" and Buckingham palace notes that Prince Harry looks more like the proverbial milkman than Prince Charles. [NY Daily News]

1 If we were sleeping with David Gest...
2 We have an cardinal rule about never mentioning Justin Timberlake, but this was just too good. Wonder what else he shares with mom.
3 Getting nauseated.
4 Nauseated.
5 Did Harvey just rent her for the week, or what?