San Francisco sucks? Yeah especially on nice sunny days like today when I'm sitting on my patio typing this email...

Not to debate the quality of Manhattan restaurants vs. SF restaurants, but if you prefer your takeout delivered, you obviously like bland, soggy, overcooked food - which is what you get by the time 30 minutes or so have elasped since your dinner left the kitchen of the restaurant you ordered it from. Mmmm. Love those soggy fries! And I can just imagine what happens to the seared foie gras with tuna carpaccio and arugula salad by the time it makes it to the 15th floor and your front door...

Of course, San Franciscans actually use their ovens to cook with, and we all have big mo-fo kitchens complete with marble floors and granite counters. Why slum and order take-out food in the first place when we all know how to cook?

Tsk. Tsk. You can keep your take-out food and have the leftovers for breakfast. While you are reheating the left over Chilean Sea Bass and warming up your cup of Folgers for breakfast, we are still fast asleep, dreaming of a perfectly fresh grapefruit picked off the backyard tree and an immaculate espresso brewed from our expensive Italian espresso machines, which take up just a wee bit of the counter space in our huge kitchens...



Dear Bruce,

As a very wise woman (and San Franciscan) once said, "New Yorkers have open WiFi nodes coming out the wazoo. San Francisco has poop in the streets."

That pretty much sums it up for us.

Oh, wait. I guess I have to translate that into Californian.

As a like, totally wise woman (and San Franciscan) once said, "Like, New Yorkers have, like, open WiFi nodes coming out the, like, ohmygod, wazoo. San Francisco has, like, totally whack poop in the streets... Dude!" That pretty much, like, sums it up for us.

By the way, you missed the cardinal rule of NYC takeout: you only order takeout foie gras/tuna carpaccio/arugula salads when you don't have time to leave the apartment and have Jean Georges cook it for you. I mean, really! Cooking is so vulgar.

Best Regards,

Elizabeth Spiers