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· Mick Jagger's ex-wives, Bianca Jerry and Jerry Hall, are giving moral support to Saddam Hussein and defending Pete Townshend, respectively. [Page Six]
· Hipster magnet Paul Sevigny is throwing parties every Thursday in the Red Room at The Park. (Note to self: Avoid The Park on Thursdays.) [Page Six]
· CNN anchor Anderson Cooper's mom is Gloria Vanderbilt. [Page Six]
· Bill Clinton spotted at Dylan's Candy Bar. (Insert tasteless joke.) [Page Six]
· Mel Gibson says he's being harrassed by a "reputable paper"reportedly, the New York Times. [Page Six]
· "Insiders" say Jerry Levin's having a meltdown and speculate that soon-to-be ex-wife Barbara, who "didn't see [the divorce] coming," will extract a tidy sum from her soon-to-be ex-husband's portfolio. [Cindy Adams]
· Pete Townshend may have inspired the Raelian cult; Mariel Hemmingway talks about her uncle's strange death; and the Queen wears trousers. [NY Daily News]