Gossip roundup

· Matt Drudge reports that Mayor Mike was furious at the Rolling Stones for lighting up on stage. [Drudge]
· Movie critic Richard Roeper's new book includes a chapter titled, "12 Reasons Why I'll Never Attend a Freddie Prinze Jr. Film Festival" that lists every leading role Prinze has ever had. [Page Six]
· Robert Downey Jr., spotting a pile of beers in the snow in Utah, says, "Oh, I don't drink these days...I am allergic to alcohol and narcotics. I break out in handcuffs." [Page Six]
· Nick Kurzon and Jamie Johnson's documentary, Rich Kids has sold out at Sundance. The film follows wealthy New York kids, including Ivanka Trump, through their last year of high school. [Page Six]
· Director John Lee Hancock is having a problem with his new movie, The Alamo: his extras are too fat to fit into their uniforms. [Liz Smith]
· Charlie Rose promises to broker a dialogue about China and Tibet between Richard Gere and Henry Kissinger; Liza Minnelli causes a stir at a nearby gay bar when she's spotted exiting a fast-food joint; and Richard Meier is accused of being a spotlight hog for a WTC design on which he collaborated. [NY Daily News]