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Autotote gaming heir, Luke Weil, sued Johnson & Johnson heir, Jamie Johnson, to stop his documentary, "Born Rich," from being distributed. The documentary includes several obnoxious quotes by Weil, who says he was tricked into speaking on film. The documentary also includes appearances by Ivanka Trump, Si Newhouse IV, Georgina Bloomberg, and Vanderbilt/Whitney scion, Josiah Hornblower.

Words of wisdom from Mr. Weil:
· On the advantages of being filthy rich: "If someone from some shitty little town in Connecticut is pissing you off" you can say, "Fuck you, I?m from New York and my family can buy your family."
· On pre-nuptial agreements: "If this little ungrateful bitch has the nerve to [balk at a pre-nup], she?s just a gold-digger and not worth it anyway."
· On what he would do if he lost his fortune: "I think it would be like losing a parent or a sibling."

The also charming A&P heiress Julie Hartford, when asked what she would do with $1 million in cash, responds, "I?d give it all away to the homelessha, ha, just kidding!"
Heir's ugly side on camera [Page Six]
Sundance coverage [Yahoo]