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· "Full-Frontal Fashion" host Robert Verdi is throwing a brunch party at Bobby Flay's house this afternoon for "fashion heavy-hitters" Alex Wek, Iman and Fern Mallis. Barbecued celery sticks, valium, and martinis, anyone? [Page Six]
· The tempest in the Limoges teapot subsides: Vanity Fair issues an apology for Dame Edna's remarks about learning Spanish. [Page Six]
· Leona Helmsley waxes philosophical on "bows": "Yes, I think they're pretty. Very feminine. I like being feminine. You get away with murder." [Page Six]
· The Word reports that Annie Leibovitz is being sued by bond trader Robert Snider, who alleges she's been waging a terror campaign of unnecessary household repairs that inevitably result in collapsing walls, bursting water pipes, and the cutting of phone cords to run his family out of a building she wants to sell. In other news, Harper's Bazaar Editor Glenda Bailey is refusing to be photographed with ex-Editor, Kate Betts. Alsosomething something fashion week something bony carcasses something website something something. [The Word]
· An assistant in Daniel Libeskind's Berlin office started a letter writing campaign against NYT architecture critic Herbert Muschamp; Lauren Bush is doing her part to improve international relations by dating Palestinian-American Tammer Qaddumi; and Lizzie Grubman's getting reality TV show offers. [NY Daily News]