I mentioned yesterday that I don't really understand what blue-haired partyboy Ben Cho actually does other than that he's some sort of hybrid fashion designer/artist and that he appears to like cameras. A helpful reader sends in a not-so-blind blind item that doesn't so much answer the question, but clearly needs to be posted anyway: "if a certain blue-haired Asian "fashion" designer gets to be "young" and hot and hip then so do I. But I do honestly think maybe we both are on the down side of young. I lived with a lovely young lesbian and her sister who had been friends with a certain blue-haired Asian "fashion" designer at Parsons and we spent many long long strange evenings with each other. One of which involved all the people named below, a trip to see Mistress Formika, a brief moment with that crazy model from the 1990s, she had a tattoo on her head..."

"Then a couple bottles of tequila later and a certain blue-haired Asian "fashion" designer was questioning his sexuality with my room-mate and her sister and I was dry humping with either the guy from the pictures or his twin. The next day whoever it was apologised saying he is definitely gay and he thought he had traumatized me. Later that year a certain blue-haired Asian "fashion" designer, said lesbian and sister and I were in a terrible car crash on the BQE as we rushed to a party so the lesbian could meet up with Hopi from Meow Mix. We also used to do a lot of "fashion shows" for a certain blue-haired Asian "fashion" designer at our bizarre South 6th St. house. Then Fontaine and one of the brothers from Vs. moved in and things got even weirder."