A reader sends in a bit from the Friday launch of WTC architect Steven Holl's 32, a beijing-ny architecture magazine. Our source says, "Open bars apparently being a rarity among architecture staffers, it was a jam-packed frenzy."

"Across the only open spacecreated by a wiry floor sculpture on exhibit in the gallerySteven Holl and his fellow WTC Dream Team member, Peter Eisenman could be heard quite clearly:
SH: She [Nina Libeskind, partner/wife/PR engine/sister to a special envoy to Kofi Annan]'s so political. When we were selected, she called me up and congratulated me. What's that for??
PE: I saw the dirty pool she was playing. I'm not going to get in the gutter with that. It's not worth it.
...a minute later...
PE: You've got to promise me, if he [Daniel Libeskind] is up for the spot [Dean of Columbia Architecture School, where Holl teaches], you'll step in. That would be a fucking travesty.
SH: There's no way.
PE: You have to step in.
SH: There are a lot of people who'll step in. It's ok. It'll never happen."