Gossip roundup

· Jaws star Roy Scheider participated in a Hamptons peace protest the other day by lying down in the middle of Montauk Highway pretending to be a casualty of war. [Page Six]
· A dog recently took a suicidal running leap off the roof of P. Diddy's West Village town house. [Ed. notesomeone must have been playing his last album.] [Page Six]
· Joan Rivers, on her revised Oscar plans: "First, I called Arnold Scaasi to maybe rethink the gold gown I'm supposedly wearing. Second, I'm redoing the jokes. They must be timely, a war-time theme. Like one I just wrote is, 'I'm going to start stockpiling Botox.' And another where I beat up the goddamn French. I'll say, 'All they ever did for us was give us the Statue of Liberty and even that's turning green." [Cindy Adams]
· Wednesday was Harvey Weinstein's 51st birthday. CNBC's Maria Bartiromo's stalker was sentenced yesterday after he called her from jail in September of 2001. [NY Daily News]