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· Bill and Hillary Clinton are behind schedule on finishing their respective memoirs, but their publishing houses deny it. One publishing insider on Bill: "[Knopf] is worried he will never actually get around to writing the book - or when he does, he won't be relevant anymore. Hillary is a senator and will probably run for president. Bill does...nothing." [Page Six]
· Sylvester Stallone wants to produce Rocky as a musical. [Page Six]
· Richard Gere on going to jail to free Tibet: "If I heard from a credible person, a high lama, that I'd be much more effective going to prison for 10 years than doing what I'm doing here, of course I'd go to prison." [Page Six]
· The View hostess Star Jones "went nuts," when ABC told her she couldn't plug Payless Shoes on the show. "She was screaming all day. First at ABC executives and then at her agent [Betsy Berg]. But network executives didn't back down and told her they wouldn't let her do free p.r. for the shoes." [Page Six]
· Security guards at the Universal Studios lot in Los Angeles have posted headshots of media mogul Barry Diller in their booths so as not to commit the faux pas of asking their boss to show his identification. [Page Six]
· Chippendale Kevin Cornell: "We strip down as far as the hand can cover. People ask are we gay. Absolutely not. We have to be straight or we wouldn't enjoy pleasuring all these females. Girls follow us all the time and rock stars are jealous of us and we go out and party all the time." [Cindy Adams]
· Director Roman Polanski says he's not angry at Adrien Brody: "I am stunned by what I read. All I can say is that I never said or even thought anything that was ascribed to me. I was jumping with joy when I saw Adrien's speech. I felt - and still feel - enormous gratitude and love for Adrien. Without Adrien Brody there would no 'Pianist.' What more can I say to dispel these lies?" [NY Daily News]