It's SARS Day at the Observer, apparently. (At Gawker, two = trend.) More celebs are asked about SARS:
· Writer Bret Easton Ellis: "Is it on 25th Street?"
· Paris Review founding editor, George Plimpton: "I m certainly going to turn away from anybody coughing, I know that...And there go all the doorknobs. Irving (Swifty) Lazar couldn't open doorshe was famous for that. Opened doors with handkerchiefs."
· Publicist Maggie Gallant says SARS isn't her biggest fear: "Here's what I'm afraid of, and it happens to me all the time...It never fails: When I'm looking like shit, I run into people all the time. It happened to me today; I got busted in Victoria's Secret. Ugly trashy lingerie, and I ran into someone I hadn't seen in five years! It was very upsetting. That s what I hate about New York, and that's what scares me: I'm scared to leave my house without full makeup and hair. I have my reputation to uphold"
A bug's life [Observer]