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· "Jill Hennesey on Waverly and Christopher Street about 1:30 PM [yesterday]. She was with a dark haired guy with a spray on tan." · "This past weekend at Cielo, my model friend and I sat at a table with Tara Reid and others. Later that night, my friend *the model* was standing in front of Tara talking to a guy and drinking a martini. Tara felt the need to push my friend for no apparent reason, causing her drink to topple and left her in wonderment. We both turned around and asked what the hell was the problem, Tara simply said whatever and walked off. I wonder if maybe the Hiltons are rubbing off her a bit too much?"
· "Ethan Hawke casually walking near Restoration Hardware on 23rd st near flatiron."

· Another Strokes sighting: "Albert Hammond Jr. walking into 2A, gabbing on a cell phone. Must have been looking for someone, walked in, flashing the Afro, walked out."
· "9ish last night (4/24) at Lucky Strike, Zac Posen with a young male friend, wearing an electric blue scarf funny jacket and ill fitting jeans, scoped front section (where I was eating dinner in the window with a friend) and sat down in the back."
· "Sophia Coppola at the Primal Scream concert last night at Irving Plaza. She was wearing a large white puffy jacket and a black Marc Jacobs shoulder bag (naturally!). She is unbelievably skinny but quite pretty."
· "I saw a guy who looks like Bob Newhart in Grand Central this a.m. around 9. Kind of old, Not carrying anything. Wearing unflattering, drab earth tones, like he bought his outfit from LL Bean 10 years ago. And yesterday I was at Rainbow Falafel (the best!) on 17th and Union Sq West and was behind a guy who looked like Ben Stiller. Could be a body double or stunt man. More like Stiller's Zoolander look though. The guy who looked like Newhart looked much more like Newhart than the guy who looked like Stiller looked like Stiller."
· "Last night at the Primal Scream show at Irving Plaza (E16th and Irving) I spotted Winona Ryder, Harmony Korine and Sophia Coppola backstage chatting. Then Winona and Harmony were at the after-party in the basement of east village bar Lit (2nd Ave btw 5th and 6th)."
· During my Sunday Zabar's ritual a few weeks ago, I was unlocking my 15-pound Mother of All Chains from my mountain bike when, lo and behold, there was former Mayor Rudolph Guiliani and presumably his new wife walking to their car. The bodyguard saw my chain and evaluated me as a potential threat to the livlihood of the formar city mayor (considering that Giuliani
purchased his legacy by squandering the city's economic boom treasure chest with 6-9% annual increase in spending during the last four years of his
administraiton — rather than planning ahead for the city's future — this is not an unfair evaluation). The bodyguard stood directly in front of me, so close that I could smell the 50-50 polyester blend of his khaki sports jacket. I got on my bike and rode off past a group of gawking Zabar's employees with my quarter pound of jamon serrano, half pound of colombian/kenyan blend, and my chain in tow."
· "Bald and stocky Matt Pinfield at Luna Lounge last night surrounded by lovely young women. With a several martinis in my system, I had the courage to be an asshole, interrupt his evening, and ask what band he was there for. He graciously answered. Of course, I have no memory of what he said."
· "Not sure if anyone cares about a sighting of Matt Dillon but I thought it was a pretty funny story. I happened to be at Solar Salon, a really nice and expensive tanning salon on Lexington between 85th and 86th on Monday, April 21st at 3:30 pm, when I noticed this very trashy and annoying woman sitting on a man's lap. When I looked over and rolled my eyes, I had to do a double take because I thought the guy looked like Matt Dillon and then I realized it was him. When the space next to me on the couch opened up, they sat down next to me. The funniest part was the new May issue of Vogue with Cameron Diaz was lying on the coffee table in front of him. The woman motioned to it and he said he saw it. He was talking really low so I couldn't hear anything else. But after they went in to tan another girl sat down next to me and we talked about them. We agreed that the girl, while very tall and skinny, was really nasty. And it seemed like they just met on the street outside. They definitely didn't know each other that long. That's all."
· "Jake and Maggie Gyllenhal, Saturday morning, April 19, eating brunch outside at Pastis with their parents."
· "Christy Turlington was at Space Hair Salon (6th Ave./Spring St.) yesterday afternoon. My hairdresser threatened to turn straight for her. Yeah, right, whatever. I suppose she is very glamorous but if the entire staff hadn't been clustered around her in a knot, I don't think I would have realized she was anybody in particular."