According to a gay website, Danny Pintauro — the mop-top TV child babysat by Tony Danza on "Who's The Boss" — has a very insouciant Friendster profile. They write:

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"Dan 'Who's The Boss?' Pintauro has a Friendster profile. What he's looking for: 'My age or older (at least mentally) a versatile top with the qualities of a bottom, i.e. sweet, attentive etc.. Adventurous, open minded, but not self centered, social, silly but more often serious and interesting, non smoker... I'm mainstream with twists. I like Justin Timberlake, but I also have a twisted sexual side. Actor but now on the otherside of the field in agenting and casting. Versatile bottom sexually. Enjoy bar hoping and being social or chillin at home emailing or watching TV.'"
Danny [Friendster] [via Let Me Get This Straight]