Writer Matthew Baldwin has an impressive roundup of the reviews for The Cat in the Hat, which was by all reports a piece of celluloid crap. Nevertheless, the film still did $40.1 million at the box office this weekend. Maybe it was the promise of a Paris Hilton cameo that filled those theaters.

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"Like being run over by a garbage truck that backs up and dumps its load on top of you." — David Edelstein, SLATE

"If the producers had dug up Ted Geisel's body and hung it from a tree, they couldn't have desecrated the man more." — Ty Burr, BOSTON GLOBE

"Crass and vulgar almost beyond belief." — Charles Taylor, SALON.COM

"A vulgar, uninspired lump of poisoned eye candy." — A. O. Scott, NEW YORK TIMES

"Comes scarily close to being the most unendurable Hollywood creation of the last dozen years." — Michael Atkinson, VILLAGE VOICE

"Makes the Matrix sequels look like works of genius." — Michael Sragow, BALTIMORE SUN

"They may as well have skipped the hassle of securing licensing rights and simply called this mess Mike Myers: Asshole in Fur." — Gregory Weinkauf, DALLAS OBSERVER
The Bad Review Revue: We Did Not Like It, Not One Little Bit [Defective Yeti]
Box Office Analysis [Hollywood.com]