From Tina Brown's Thankgsiving column in the Washington Post: "One thing to give thanks for this morning is not being Michael or Kobe or Phil or Paris or Martha or any of the other spectacles of the great American circus." Oh, decidedly. I feel an overwhelming sense of charity to them, don't you?

Our Tina asks the question of the hour: "Does super-celebrity come only to people who are crazy already or does the bizarre gene kick in under the klieg lights?" She blames the isolation of the California celebrity class: "Nowhere else is better than California today at producing full-service isolation: infinite permission in an infinitely large space with no repercussions, until — surprise, surprise — there are." (California is a big nest of fruitcakes, sure, but it's not like ridiculous behavior is exactly shunned here in New York.)

In other Tina-related news, Spectator columnist Taki Theodoracopoulos says that the New York Sun has signed up Tina Brown as a columnist. Wait, really?
Kicking the Stuffing Out of Celebrities [Washington Post]
Character Assassination [Spectator]