The Times's Dan Barry goes in search of the spirit of Christmas, and finds three Floridians living in a car in Times Square. Aww, adorable!

But no homeless-at-Christmas feel-good story this: the family will actually win the Dodge Durango in which they live... if they stay in it for five days, in full public view. Says Barry: "For every day the family remains in the car, Dodge announced that 'in the spirit of holiday giving,' it would donate $5,000 to a national homeless organization — 'up to a total donation of $25,000!'" Which, of course, is $11,000 less than the retail cost of the car.

You can join us at 7th and 43rd tonight: we're gonna go wave to the Floridians in the Durango and then cab around town, throwing rocks at homeless people. Should be fun!
Put an SUV Under the Tree by Living in It [NYT]