The Black Table interviews entertaining crackpot Philadelphia Daily News gossip columnist Stu Bykofsky:

"BT: Do you think the New York Post's Page Six is the best gossip column out there? Would you ever work for them?

SB: Being as they have stolen material from me, of COURSE I have the greatest respect for them. I couldn't work for them, however, as checking things out is too ingrained in me, due to my greatly advanced years, BJ, or whatever your name is. Their practice of often simply throwing it against the wall to see if it sticks wouldn't work for me.

BT: How about this Lloyd Grove fella. Do you think you could have the same success he's had if you left Philly and came to New York? Would you ever want to do something like that?

SB: Who? I'm not kidding. Who's Lloyd Grove? Is that some Noo Yawk big shot and you think the rest of America is worshipping? As I said, I'm from Noo Yawk. My first job was at the World Telegram and the Sun. (Go look it up, AK, or whatever your name is.) I don't need to go back there to prove anything."
Between A Rock and A Hard Place [Blacktable]