Important Statistical Information from 2003
Yahoo! and Google have compiled their top search requests from 2003. At Yahoo!, the stats you care about: Britney beats Paris who beats Christina. But contrast Yahoo!'s requests with Google's — Britney reigns absolutely supreme as the top search at Google.
Yahoo!'s "top 10 rumor searches" section is interesting but sometimes unnecessary — you can insert the word "gay" before "rumors" in about four of them.

Best of all: in their year-end report, Yahoo! keys the surges in Paris Hilton searches to specific events in this handy graph. The spike marked "2" is the day new porn star Rick Salomon filed suit against the Hiltons. And, as you might guess, the spike labeled "5" is Paris' appearance on Saturday Night Live.
Top Yahoo! Searches 2003 [Yahoo!]
2003 Year-End Google Zeitgeist [Google]