There's an email going around, dated shortly before New Year's, which is purportedly written by Erik Todd Dellums, an actor known from The Wire and Homicide. In it, he calls for a boycott of Cold Mountain. It seems that the film doesn't accurately represent the life of black people in Civil War times. This is shocking shocking disturbing news.

To quote Cinecultist: "This movie, and we're guessing the book though we haven't read it, is not about race or Southern slavery even. It is about ill-fated romance and getting golden statues for its actors." Sensitive white actors need lots of validation in the form of shiny genitalia-free Academy-sponsored sculptures, Mr. Dellums, and I think you need to respect that.

Mr. Dellums is not the first to call for a boycott of Cold Mountain: evidently others are upset because it was shot in Romania. I'm calling for a boycott too, because I didn't like Jude Law's pants. Not tight enough. When will Hollywood wake up and learn???
Boycott Called For 'Cold' [Cinecultist]
Dellum's email [Another Ann Arbor]
Letters to the Editor: Cold Mountain [Salon]
Erik Dellums [imdb]
Cold Mountain Shot in Romania [Hollywood Investigator]