What's former Spy and New York editor Kurt Andersen up to? Why, he's writing the book for a musical adaptation of the comic strip "Broom-Hilda." Swear to God — the one with the witch and her best friends, a troll and a buzzard. You know, right next to the evil self-hating 80's career woman strip "Cathy."

Mermaniac, the show tunes weblog of choice (yes, there really is such a thing), wraps it up this way: "So let's see: [Lyricist Martin] Charnin hasn't had a hit since 1977. [Songwriter] Leroy Anderson died in 1975, and his sole Broadway show was the 1958 Elaine Stritch flop Goldilocks. (Stritch didn't even perform anything from Goldilocks in her one-woman "And then I sang" retrospective At Liberty.) Kurt Andersen is not exactly known for his theatrical work. And they're adapting a mostly-forgotten comic strip that wasn't really all that funny back in the 1970s. Sounds like a winner."
No One Mourns the Wicked [Mermaniac]