Spoofing Amazon wishlists, like Friendster profiles, is by now an ages-old tradition. And then, sprinkled among the jokes, it looks like even real celebrities (or semi-celebrities) want gifts too. In true psychotic fashion, an anonymous source has been accumulating these wishlists for a while now. Click "more" for the whole list.


y - Yes, this person has a wishlist.

i - The identity of the person in question is fuzzy (could be a namesake, could be someone playing around or using a pseudonym...). This is totally subjective as you can imagine, and I've made my best guess based on the sort of stuff in the wishlist, and whether they've listed a location or birthday that's consistent with what is known about the person.

d - Person is dead.

a - The person has provided a shipping address for gifts.

<a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/registry.html/103-7464631-1080611?%5Fencoding=UTF8&id=2NNCUSWH9OYGJ

">Graydon Carter (yia)

Spalding Gray (ya)

Cory Doctorow (ya)

<a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/registry.html/104-4329331-6631139?%5Fencoding=UTF8&id=1OF8QP5C0DIJY

">David Letterman (yi)

Jay Leno (yi)

Jonathan Weiss (yi) and also here

Howard Dean (yi)

Al Gore, Jr. (yi)

Albert Gore III (son) (yia)

Joe Lieberman (yi)

Michael Jackson (funny)

Elijah Wood (yi)

Peter Jackson (ya)

Neil Armstrong (yi), unlikely

Lisa Rein

Elizabeth Spiers (ya)

Karl Rove (y)

Ann Veneman (yi)

<a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/registry.html/104-4329331-6631139?%5Fencoding=UTF8&id=1IY3RE4INLOWF

">Donald Rumsfeld (yia)

Anna Wintour (y)

John Ashcroft (hah!)

Alan Greenspan (yia)

Andrew Card (ya)

Rick Santorum (yia)

Margaret Thatcher (hah!)

Jonathan Brandis (ya) :-(