One fake and one real report from Sundance:

I turn my attention back to the movie. It's in French, and I can hear Britney Spears's assistant in the second row reading her the subtitles. Every time there's a joke, the entire audience roars with laughter and then a beat later, Britney laughs, which makes the audience laugh even more. The laughter spreads in little waves, rippling up and down the aisles and this isn't even a comedy we're watching: it's a Holocaust documentary.


As I ve mentioned, the film press are perhaps the most jaded and cynical strain of journalists they make theater and food reviewers look tame. As the press filed out and looked at each other for approval (some interesting gamesmanship goes on at this moment I notice) everyone smiled broadly and start laughing and talking about this scene, that t-shirt or the dance routine. The energy was palpable.

First: It's a Wonder Night for a Sundance [Low Culture]
Second: Reviewed: 'Napoleon Dynamite.' An instant classic. [Blogging Sundance]