Stalking Competition Results
These two entrants, by dint of their impressive stalking capabilities, are each getting two free tickets to the Stills show on Thursday at Bowery Ballroom.
First, a delightfully overshared stalking of Ethan Zohn in the New York Sports Club steam room:
Who: Hunky Ethan Zohn, the guy who won Survivor: Africa.
Where: Naked except for a towel in the steamroom at the NYSC on 23rd/Park.
When: Yesterday afternoon.
Why: He's worked out there before, spotted him a couple of times, but he usually just puts on streetclothes and leaves sans shower. I can report that:1) He is extremely tanned, skin is almost Hawaiian looking.
2) He sat in the corner and deeply bowed his head the entire time, so that all those black ringlets hid his face. Do not know whether this was to discourage people from going, "Hey, you're Ethan from Survivor!" or to help him studiously ignore any sexual hi-jinx that might be going on. Not that any were.
3) Black ringlets are longer than I've ever seen them. Very anonymizing.
4) Not very hairy otherwise.
5) Had very ragged cuticles. In fact, he had rather jagged scars on left thumb and right forefinger. Just rested forearms on knees and let hands hang. No hand grasping or writhing...
6) Barefoot. Did not wear flip-flops. Nails trimmed.
7) Stayed through two steam cycles.
8) Has beautiful feet. Would estimate size 8. I was not able to guage towel bulge, cuz he just got up and left w/o warning. And did not conveniently perform a pirouhette before leaving.
9) Is shorter than you'd think.
Such a wonderfully disturbing stalkation. And what Manhattan stalking competition would be complete without... Philip Seymour Hoffman's Giant Head!
Last Wednesday I was in the Starbucks @ Grove/W. 4th/7th Ave. and heard a familiar voice behind me. I turned and there was Philip Seymour Hoffman. He was there interviewing a 20 something girl for an assistant manager position in the film production company he's starting. Unfortunately, I didn't get the name of the company. He made a couple trips outside to smoke and I got this great shot of the back of his gigantic head: