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Karen at Cinecultist finally clears up for all of us who the hell that guy is on the cover of Time Out/NY this week: why, it's Dawson's Creek graduate Michael Pitt!

Cinecultist used to see him around the nabe, particularly stalking across Astor Place with an emasciated surly girlfriend or sitting on the sidewalk outside of the Tisch School of the Arts at NYU. We knew he was a working actor but he looked just like any other St. Marks punk. One time, CC had just finished consuming one of our culinary guilty pleasures, medium hot chicken fingers at Pluck U on Third Avenue in the East Village, and there he was eating chicken at the next table. "Perhaps this is where all the grease comes from," we thought to ourselves. He seems to be so blank, so vacuous and yet willing to do anything you might tell him to do...

Care For Some Chicken? [Cinecultist]