It's so hard to tell the movies apart these days. Bunsen takes you through the confusing plot similarities between Mel Gibson's Jesus pic and the new oh-so-ironic Starsky & Hutch rehash:

S&H: Nearly two hours of Director Phillip's ideas about comedic pacing; Juliette Lewis featured prominently in supporting role; Stiller's Starsky overdoses on cocaine, causing him to miss out on orgy with Hutch and two cheerleaders (played by Amy Smart and Carmen Electra) and lose disco dance-off to Har Mar Superstar.

Passion: Two hours of Jesus being ridiculed, whipped, flayed, kicked, spit upon, and pierced before being (by contrast) mercifully crucified.

Compare and Contrast: Starsky and Hutch and The Passion of the Christ [Bunsen]