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Kevin Smith, the director of Clerks, is ready to have the worst opening weekend ever for his new Affleck vehicle, Jersey Girl. In a letter to fans, he says, "The NY Times is gonna shred the flick. LA Times too, I'll bet. EW probably ain't gonna be onboard."

But what about the money? "These are the movies that are DEFINITELY going to make more than us at the box office this weekend: Dawn of the Dead, The Passion of the Christ, Scooby Doo 2, The Ladykillers, Starsky and Hutch. These are the movies that are PROBABLY gonna make more than us at the box office this weekend: Taking Lives, Secret Window, Hidalgo, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Acccept it."

Why so gloomy, Kev? Basically, he blames Affleck's love life and career: it's an "intimidating uphill battle of trying to open this movie in the wake of Gigli and 'Hurricane Bennifer,'" he writes. That's right: keep blaming Jenny from the block. It must be her fault.
Kevin's Jersey Girl 'Perspective' [News Askew]