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NY State Supreme Court is issuing a ruling today or tomorrow in David Gest's suit against spouse Liza Minnelli. One of the issues of contention has been that Gest refuses to come to New York from Hawaii to testify — evidently, he's too battered to do so (though not battered enough to not appear on TV, unfortunately for all of us). The court order sensibly insists that Gest be examined by an independent neurologist, instead of just by whatever quack he's paying off now.

Gest wanted Liza's deposition videotaped, which she objected to on the grounds that sooner or later it would end up on Access Hollywood. The judge, despite surely understanding the importance to democracy of tabloid TV programs, has agreed not to videotape, saying it could impact Liza's career negatively. Oh, I dunno. I'm fairly certain that the only thing that could have further negative career consequences on Liza would be sweet death itself.