This is what we were waiting to hear, from an anonymous open letter to Sean Elder:

You re regurgitating the same old bullshit about women being frigid and men being randy, but because Mr. Mom wrote it, we re not supposed to be offended by it. Fuck that. The article offends me because I know plenty of women who like sex on a daily basis, and their men can t keep up. So don t make broad statements like, if men weren t always hungry for it, it would never happen. Maybe that s how it is in your marriage, but it s not the case for everyone. Perhaps you can t get laid because you re doing something wrong. Here s some advice:

1. Nobody likes a fucking whiner. It s not hot. She s wielding large amounts of power all day, then she has to come home and listen to you whine about a missed dinner. Take your balls out of their velvet case and reattach them. It s no wonder she d rather read.

Dear Sean Elder [Pencopal]