I'm telling ya, this feature isn't long for this world. There is a reason gossip columnists invented blind items — it's so they don't get sued, ya know. (I've been to Central Booking and I have no interest in going back, frankly.) But for now, send your guesses — and these are merely guesses, my legal friends — to tips@gawker.com

Page Six said: "WHICH legendary folk singing family is horrified because their son, a fledgling rocker, split with his long time girlfriend? The spurned sweetheart is now seeking a high-powered lawyer to sue for major money from her "common law" husband..."
You said: "My guess: Carly Simon and James Taylor s son (Benjamin?) who s supposed to be quite a cutie... have no idea what his music is like."
You also said: "does graham nash count as a a folk singer? i know his (v. sexy) son jackson just broke up with his long-time gf."

Page Six said: "WHICH Criminal Court judge transferred to Family Court has displayed such irrational behavior in a bitter custody battle that legal experts are questioning her competency? They're calling for an investigation of her clearly biased rulings against the struggling mother..."
You said: "Couldn't this be the one involving Bridget Marks and gambling-money millionaire (who defaulted on $100 million in bonds recently) from Malibu who is suing her for custody? According to the piece in Sunday's NYDN, the judge is making decisions that are not based on the facts and has ordered Ms. Marks to sell her engagement ring (she is engaged to a banker) to feed her children. The judge has also ruled against Marks on issues that have "stunned" the legal community. (Sidebar: what kind of dickhead is the father to want to take the kids away when he denied paternity for years (the twin girls are four now) and whose wife demanded that Ms. Marks get an abortion when she first told the husband who didn't tell her he was married for quite some time??)"

Page Six said: "WHICH prominent Republican elected official has a private e-mail address beginning with the name "RoughRider"? A former staffer accidentally included the private address when he mass-e-mailed a joke about the French."
You said: "I'm hoping it's Rick Santorum."
Just Asking [Page Six]