Page Six said: "WHICH college student daughter of a former Democratic presidential candidate was recently overheard extolling her posterior virtues on her Ivy League campus? 'I like my a- -,' she said. 'I have a very supple a- -'..."
You said: "Could it be John Edwards' daughter Catharine? She's a senior at Princeton, and judging from these pics... well, hubba hubba."
You also said: "What about Howard Dean's daughter? She's an
undergrad at Yale..."

Page Six said: "WHICH bookish ex-model living in London has been as quiet as a tomb about her love affair with a rock star? Meanwhile, the rocker's wife goes on radio shows and keeps no secrets about their sex life..."
You said: "No clue who the bookish ex-model is (sounds like red herring to me - there is no such thing as a 'bookish ex-model') but don't the rocker and his wife have to be Sting and Trudie Styler? She was on Stern a couple weeks ago talking about their swinging, tantric lifestyle. Well, I think it was her anyhow."
You also said: "Dare I say- Sting's trying to pollinate Kate's moss."
Cindy Adams said: "Sophie Dahl, who has the cover plus half a dozen pages in this month's Brit Elle and also makes movies and is also moving to a new downtown apartment, is also writing another book. A novel based on her upbringing..."

Page Six said: "WHICH pumped-up pugilist isn't so interested in the ladies? At a recent record release party, the homoerotic heavyweight eyed a swishy publicist like a side of beef. Too bad the p.r. man already has a husband..."
You said: "Apropops of nothing, here are some pictures of pugilists from recent record release parties."
You also said: "How's this: Some boxer just **looks** at a gay man and therefore he's gay? I'm gay and I look at women all the time. Occasionally I look at them "like a side[s] of beef," like bloody carcasses hanging from a hook... Maybe said boxer, in these metrosexual times, was just admiring the publicist's hair. Or his John Varvatos suit. Or his manicure. And if fucking homophobic Page Six doesn't stop calling us 'swishy' I'm going swish on over there and rip someone's hair out."
Just Asking [NYP]