We're halfway there, people. The Times just announced A. O. Scott as the paper's chief film critic. The memo — replete with unlikely baseball metaphors — reproduced after the jump. Mmm, I can almost taste the forthcoming "Elvis Mitchell has left the building" memo now...

To the staff,

I'm delighted to announce that Tony Scott (A.O. Scott to his unfamiliar admirers) is the chief film critic of The Times, effective with this announcement.

Tony has written for the cycle, to use a baseball metaphor, in one of the most demanding jobs any critic can have. Movies present such an enormous range of quality and intentions, from niche arthouse work to teen-age blockbusters, and Tony has proven his extraordinary ability to write with empathy, discernment and, also derision, at least when called for.

Besides recognizing his achievement with this appointment, and looking forward to publishing his excellent work, I also will rely on him to help us make sense of the incredible flow of movies and to help us think of more imaginative ways to package and highlight our reviews, and the wisdom of our reviewers.

Please join me in congratulating him.


Steve Erlanger