Send your meditations on these weighty topics to

Page Six said: "WHICH morning chat show queen is wearing bangs to hide the scars from a recent brow lift? The perky host bowed to the new reality of HDTV, where every wrinkle is visible onscreen..."
You said: "God knows there's lots of perky morning chat show queens. But here's some historical denials from one in particular: 'We didn t even know what a brow-lift was,' said her rep. 'It sounds disgusting because they put hooks in your forehead or something.,' she told Larry King. See also the good folks at super-hair dot net."[Ed. Note: Super hair net! Heh.]

You also said: "Enough already with the 'Katie gets a browlift' bullshit. It was bullshit when Greg Lindsay wrote it TWO MONTHS AGO - he fell for the self-aggrandizing blather of a Park Avenue plastic surgeon. (I won't name him and give him any more press, but his name sorta rhymes with "insane".) The fascinating thing here is that the Post is just running this NOW, and as a blind item! ... I know her. I've seen the brow. It hasn't been lifted. And she looks fab."

Page Six said: "WHICH Oscar-winner likes to prey upon younger actors? When the older man's sexual advances were shot down during dinner at a fancy restaurant, he walked out, leaving the broke younger man stuck with the bill..."
You said: "'Prey?' I thought the whole point of getting an Oscar was that you were supposed to pull young hotties?"

Page Six said: "WHICH rough-and-tumble actor, who regularly professes his devotion to his new wife and baby, was seen frolicking with not one, but two women at a club in Toronto? It seems his womanizing ways are not yet behind him."
You said: "Oy. Is this the return of the lusty leprechaun?"
You also said: "Ah, the hairy Australian with the legendary fists is back. Super."
Just Asking [NYP]