Wanna watch a lot of movies for free? Do you have a few basic English skills? Are you prepared to face NYT style-guide insanity such as "the word 'launch' may only be used for rockets and missiles, not the introduction of magazines or books to the marketplace"? Are you not prone to stomping off the job like a big cranky baby when you don't get what you want? Enquire within!


To the staff:

Culture is looking for another film critic, who could come from inside or outside the paper. The job is cool, but also very demanding, with regular and unrelenting deadlines.

A candidate should love the movies, know something about them and their history, have a wide range of tastes and interests — as wide as the range of films themselves — and write boldly, with a mix of empathy, wit and critical self-confidence. We are looking also for someone who can write essays and critic's notebooks, can find themes and threads through the mass of movies out there, and can help us all decide what we really want to see.

Please contact me soon at erlanger@....

Steven Erlanger
Culture Editor