Food writer Regina Schrambling had two stints at the New York Times: one on the national desk and the other as deputy editor of the Dining In/Dining Out section. Hated the first, the second ran its course before dessert was served. She's been freelancing forever for almost every publication you can think of and now she has her own website: Her "refreshing" take on the infamous Spice Market's bathroom situation:

Spice Market is much easier to get into for lunch, but daylight is not kind to the room — as my art director friend said: "It looks like Pier One." At least the bathrooms have a whiff of authenticity. My other lunchmate said her stall "smelled like Southeast Asia." A toilet seat was yanked loose in another stall. And not only did one sink have an out of order sign on it but the supply closet was open with a stack of more cards, a hint that the problem might be not be an aberration. I don t know from bars in Bangkok, but you expect a little nicer from Jean-Georges.

I'll have mine to go.

Gastropoda [via Manhattan User's Guide, winner of TMN's Online Excellence Award]
Related: Spice Market: Three Stars, Bad Stench [Gawker]