Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Rockerrific But Refreshingly A-list Free

Hollywood PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are sent in by readers. Send yours to tips@defamer.com to let them know that you are watching, always watching.
In this week's A-list free edition: Matthew Perry not looking young and fat, Adam Brody and Rachel Bilson not making out for a change, Mary Kate Olsen not watching the Lakers to Rob Lowe's disapproval, George Michael not in the bathroom, Scott Weiland not violating his parole, Pink, No Doubt's Tony Canal, David Alan Grier, Nancy Cartwright, and Ian Ziering.
· I saw Matthew Perry yesterday hanging around outside Mario's on 3rd Street in Santa Monica with a bunch of regular looking guys. He looked thinner and older than I expected, but he has a nice smile and appeared to be having a good time.
· Caught The O.C.'s onscreen/offscreen couple Adam "Seth Cohen" Brody and Rachel "Summer" Bilson getting Sunday brunch with a couple (one dude/one chick) of wannabe actory-looking pals at Home in Silver Lake. (Or is it Los Feliz? It's kind of in hipster limbo.) Brody was sporting a few days of beard growth; Summer was wearing enormous "I'm a celebrity, people!" sunglasses and looking to weigh less than a hundy sopping wet. Didn't see them make out, but they totally looked like they couldn't wait to tongue wrestle over some eggs benedict.
· At the Laker's game...Mary Kate(?) (the dark haired Olsen), second row, with a boyfriend type and two friends. All except Mary Kate were into the game, cheering, dancing, etc. Mary Kate looked way out of it, and spent the most exciting moments of the game text messaging (with the other Olson twin?). Rob Lowe was sitting directly behind her and looked annoyed that Mary Kate(?) wasn't paying attention.
· George Michael, lunching with a guy "friend" at Xian on Canon in Beverly Hills, not in the bathroom. Green hat, wore sunglasses through the meal, hadn't shaved in a while. (PS - if you can explain to me why people pronounce the street "Canon" even though it has a tilde and should be pronounced "Canyon," I'll be very grateful, especially in light of fact these same people pronounce "Rodeo" like some Italian debutante rather than treating like a place where you see bucking broncos)
· scott weiland gearing up for upcoming velvet revolver shows by chilling at pottery barn kids. sitting at a kids' table across from his 4-year oldish son (who was dressed in kiddie dead kennedys shirt and cape), dourly swordfighting with forks. the guy is impossibly thin.
· Pink stopping in for drinks at The Sherman Oaks Galleria Cheesecake Factory Thursday evening.
· Dining at the illustrious Baja Fresh on Sunset and Vine, I spied No Doubt bassist Tony Kanal, looking hot yet small in a red t-shirt and camouflage shorts. (Can you call them shorts if they end mid-calf? On anyone over 6', they might've shown knee.) Hair was bleached blond, in a mohawk that looked like it was growing out. Nice eyes.
· Saw David Alan Grier walking down Santa Monica Blvd last night. He was with some hot ass chick. He looked my brother straight in the eye and then took the girl around the corner where they made out for about five minutes.
· nancy 'i am the voice of bart simpson' cartwright (why do i know what she looks like?) walking into the apple store with a crowd of kids. smiling broadly.
· Spotted Ian Ziering working out at Crunch yesterday...wasn't evesdropping but he seemed like a very nice and happy guy....