Sightings are provided by readers: send yours to

In this rather denuded (because nearly all my fucking email was deleted over the weekend, which sucks), and really tardy (because our guest-host Krucoff absconded with all the sightings while I was on vacation) edition: Spike Lee, Colin Quinn, An O-Town Kid, Thom Felicia, Amy Sacco being nice, Claire Danes, Mandy Moore, Courtney Love, Darrell Hammond, and The Bjork.

· Saw Spike Lee with two kids waiting outside EJ's on the Upper East for a table. He seemed pretty mellow and doted on his kids. Two things struck me. First, doesn't Lee have a spread on the Vineyard for summer weekends? And second, where was Mom? As far as the kids go, the girl, a pre-teen, was exotic with blond hair and cinnamon skin, but far from good looking as I imagine her mom must be. The boy was younger, handsome and dressed in a sports jersey just like his old man.

· i have a few, but i'm not sure they count because they're like B and, possibly, H list at this point.

the good- non-existent (although i am still swooning over benjamin bratt from a month ago-yum!!!!!)

the bad- saw colin quinn on 51st between park & lex one morning last week at like 8:30 am outside one of those massive trailers talking to a few people, but he kept looking at the steady stream of commuters flowing past him expectantly like he was waiting for some to fawn at his feet or some crap. hey colin, no one cares!

the ugly- one of those o-town kids (eric maybe? the little one) on 28th/park yesterday at 530ish. i was hauling ass to this open bar thing w/my gay bf and we almost walked right into him. was wearing big huge headphones and, much like colin quinn, kept looking around like someone was about to recognize him. however, unlike colin quinn, he just looked like he didn't want anyone to talk to him and/or terrified of the screaming mobs of 12 year olds - i imagine he's probably weary of getting his ass kicked for that "all or nothing" monstrosity.

· I saw Thom Filicia Tuesday night at the Zac Posen Spring Fling for TeachersCount at Lot 61. Unlike many of the socialite guests, who enjoyed the free drinks all night long, Thom tipped his bartender. And from where I was standing, it looked like a five. I also made an ass of myself talking to him about the show, but he was very gracious and sweet. When he left, he thanked the organizers for a nice night. A class act all around. P.s. Amy Sacco was very nice to my friend, who also gushed all over Amy.

· Claire Danes last night (6/2) at Lucky Strike on Grand street. Looking very blond, very skinny and very blah. With a couple of women, no Billy Crudup in sight which as far as I am concerned was a big disappointment.

· saw mandy moore on friday (may 28) outside the movie theater on 13th and b-way around 7pm. apparently 'saved!' was sold out for every show until 1am and mandy couldn't wait. i overheard her and her group of friends loudly announce that they were going to check the movie out on 42nd st instead. my posse followed but didn't run into her there...

· saw courtney love on sunday (may 30) along prince st. in soho. she looked just as you would imagine. jean overalls, converse, a ciggy in each hand, yelling things to herself and bumping into people. she stormed down the street before heading into the apple store and declaring 'I NEED HELP WITH MY IPOD'. despite the 2 hour wait for assistance, her wish was granted right away. crazy court.

· Saw Darrell Hammond from Saturday Night Live at 9:30 on Tuesday night at 73rd and West End. He was probably heading home, had a duffel bag over his shoulder and a cigarette dangling from his mouth. He seemed tired, calm.

· my boyfriend and i were eating lunch at the Grilled Cheese on Ludlow St. on sunday afternoon [memorial day weekend] when who should walk by but BJORK! She went into Ludlow Guitars and some of the thrift stores on the block. When we were done with lunch, we saw her standing on the corner of Stanton and Ludlow next to this big beat up pick-up truck with a guy and a little girl (could this be her two year old daughter?). exciting indeed.