Hollywood PrivacyWatch Special Edition: Life Imitates Curb

A reader sends in this account of a recent, real-life encounter with everybody's favorite borderline sociopath, Larry David. When he's not out saving dudes from bum murder raps, he's engaging in some kind of weird street theater with his family.
Him: "I saw yer man today!"
Me: "My man?"
Him: "Yer man that you always make me watch that's a miserable prick with the bald head and the glasses!"
Me: "Larry David? Are you sure?"
Him: "Yeah...I was in Santa Monica Crossing Broadway and I got a good look at him. It was really him! That guy that offends everyone!"
Him: "He was with probably his family. A bunch of people and kids too and I couldn't believe it...he was actually moaning!"
Me: "What do you mean? You passed him and he was making mummy sounds?"
Him: "Noooo! He was complaining about some people in a restaurant they just left. I couldn't believe it! He was actually moaning like on the show!"