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Republicans missed yet another chance to take out nearly all of liberal Hollywood with one well-placed bomb, as half the town crammed into Laemmle's Music Hall theater on Wilshire for a screening of Fahrenheit 9/11. Cinemocracy was there, contraband camera in hand, to document the orgy:

Leonardo DiCaprio, trying hard to look incognito, sat just behind us. Nearby were Billy Crystal, Matthew Perry, Sharon Stone and date. Chris Rock snagged an aisle seat far to the left, and Ashton Kutcher grabbed the right aisle next to escort Demi Moore.

Jack Black arrived a little late and had to sit way up front. At one point we temporarily escaped to grab a pen, and on the way back into the theater we overheard Harvey Weinstein express his pleasure at the attendance, then lament the lack of seating. "I'm sure they’ll save a seat for you," we told him as if we knew the guy, to which he responded, "No matter, I've already seen it a few times."