Another attendee of last night's Fahrenheit 9/11 screening supplements our earlier post with some extra celebrity sightings, the quote of the night, and a partial menu from the event:

Here's some more people that were at the "F: 9/11" screenings last night, if you want to add a couple more names: Karen O w/ Spike Jonze (blindingly hip), Jessica Alba (?!), Rob Reiner, Bill Maher (w/ tall, Iman-ish African-American model looking woman), The main kid from "Eurotrip," The young Indian guy from "Van Wilder" (scraping here, I know.)

My favorite comment came from a "hot" girl with a shirt on that totally showed her boobs, talking into her cell phone: "no shit, you should see how long the line is, and nobody's even IN this movie."

Food afterwards was Tuna tartare and little Salmon cakes, with waiters walking around offering Cosmopolitans.

UPDATE: An "annoyed" spy that worked the event informs us that the Laemmle screening was set up just so that Leonardo DiCaprio could see the film after the Laker game. (An earlier screening at the Motion Picture Academy conflicted with the game.) It's good to be the head of the Pussy Posse, isn't it?