Hey, everyone in Manhattan? Remember how you're smarter than the rest of the country, and that's why you live here? Try to keep that in mind when you forward lame hoax impending-terrorism emails around town, thanks.

BC-SECURITY-NEWYORK-HOAX 06-09 0265 BC-SECURITY-NEWYORK-HOAX New York police say e-mail on subway attack is hoax NEW YORK (Reuters) - The New York police said Wednesday there was no truth to an e-mail being circulated that the city's subway system would be attacked on June 11. "The police department has received no credible threat information concerning a widely circulated e-mail message that discusses a purported subway attack allegedly planned for Friday, June 11th," Deputy Commissioner Paul Browne said in a statement. New York has been on high alert since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks when hijacked airplanes destroyed the World Trade Center and damaged the Pentagon in Washington, killing almost 3,000 people. The e-mail, a copy of which was sent to a Reuters staffer, said city officials had received intelligence about a "possible terror attack in the city (most likely the subways) planned for this Friday." The e-mail also said New York officials had ordered thousands of body bags and postulated that Friday's date — June 11 — was similar to Sept. 11 and March 11, when bombs on Madrid trains killed 191 people. "I hope all this is bull and nothing happens this Friday or any day for that matter. One thing is for certain though, if I have to work on Friday I am taking a cab," the e-mail concluded. Browne said the message was a computer virus that finds names in recipients' address books and spreads to other computers. He urged people not to open electronic messages from suspect or unknown senders. REUTERS