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This week's news from the streets: Sean Combs declines brunch, Elvis Costello & Diana Krall, Tina Fey at Harry Potter, Johnny Knoxville goes home with Selma Blair (who loves rice and bread pudding), Jill Hennessey, Andy Dick falls down, Chris Meloni's fine behind, Nick Warnock, Paul Rudd on Jet Blue from Long Beach to JFK, Uma Thurman, Justin Theroux, Jim Jarmusch, Rebecca Romaijn, Claire Danes and Billy Crudup, Kyan Douglas, Lili Taylor on a bicycle built for two, Tom Wolfe, Ric Ocasek, and, recapping the Da Silvano incident, Princess Michael of Kent + Vincent Gallo + Marisa Tomei = crazy.

· I was waiting for 30 minutes with all the other commoners outside of Sarah Beth's on Columbus for brunch last Sunday when a large bulletproof Yukon pulled up, and two men in Armani suits with headpieces and sunglasses got out to survey the scene. Noticing how it was just crawling with lily-whites, they let their patron exit and check the restaurant for a table. Lo and behold, Tony award exception Sean "P-Father" Combs stepped out with an Asian model who looked 14. He negotiated with staff to get a table, went back to the car to discuss the situation with his cohorts, then got back into the urban war mobile, followed by the juvenile Asian and the faux-secret service agents, and sped off towards somewhere that wasn't planning on treating him like the rest of us.
· Saw Elvis Costello and Diana Krall in Jefferson Market this Thursday afternoon, using the ATM. Costello looked goofy as if in costume but i suspect he always rocks the weirdo/oddly bright accessories and rumpled-tie thing. Krall looked exactly like a young Brett Butler (guttural-voiced real-life battered wife/alcoholic turned sitcom actress/90's survival signifier).
· Shake ya glasses! I sat the second row behind Tina Fey at the 9pm "Harry Potter: The Prisoner of Azkaban" showing at the Lincoln Center Lowes last Sunday. She was with two fey friends and some diminutive dude and gave me a little smile when I did my patented head-cocked "Isn't that?" combination squint and demure smirk. After seriously 12 previews, the man right behind her belched "what no 'Mean Girls?'" Unfortunately there was no bus in sight, but to his credit, most of the previews were the same from the "Mean Girls" showing I saw, including my favs "Princess Diaries 2" and "Sleepover." Can t wait!
· Thursday night around 11pm at A60, ran into Johnny Knoxville and Selma Blair stumbling into the elevator together. He was (of course) wearing a trucker hat... She was wearing a brown leather newsboy hat and matching brown leather boots, jeans tucked neatly inside. It actually worked for her.
· Tuesday afternoon on 6th Ave in GV - Jill Hennessey, Claire from the golden days of Law and Order (or else her identical twin, who I know of due to a little Entertainment Weekly problem I used to have). Not anywhere near as tall as you think she is.
· Spotted Andy Dick going in and out of the Bryant Park hotel lobby Wednesday morning. He was wearing a white Hanes beefy t-type shirt, black pants and his nasty-ass hair. Was with an assistant type with a clipboard. He did one of those trip-over-nothing-but-your-feet moves and then said to nobody in particular, "Whoops."
· So yesterday, I m walking home from the subway on Court Street in Brooklyn and I spot a promising piece of man-candy in front of me, with broad shoulders, slim waist and meaty ass. So I speed up to see if missionary will fulfill the promise of doggy. [Ed. Note: Wow. Just: wow.] And when I get right up next to him, it s Chris Meloni, aka Detective Elliot Stabler on Law & Order: Special Victims Unit! In case my chances of actually bagging this hunk aren t infinitessimal enough, I give him a very dopey grin and a thumbs up sign (because I am too verklempt to speak). He acknowledges my presence on planet earth by tossing me a friendly "Hey, dude." I can die happy. (FYI: he was apparently filming in the NY State Supreme Court building in downtown bklyn. I see all the various L&Os crews there from time to time. He s every bit as hunky/gorgeous in real life as on the show, btw.)
· Okay, I know this news couldn't be less interesting (or less timely, for that matter), but Nick Warnock is sitting in my confrence room, smugly doing...whatever it is he smugly does. Heard him talking about "Katrina" and "Bill." Sadly, this is the highlight of my work week.
· i sat behind paul rudd (phoebe's husband, clueless) on jet blue from long beach to jfk. check this: as he made a fuss about the really hot girl sitting next to him switching seats with his totally gay friend from the back of the plane. what gives? she seemed really bummed. also, he was digging for gold or something in his nose. he picked it, deep, for five minutes straight, rolling the goods in his thumb and forefinger every few seconds. gross. wasn't shy about getting out of his seat at least 5 times and showing his face off to the rest of the plane.
· Uma Thurman, walking on 14th Street across from the Circuit City (and that hideous digital clock sculpture) on Union Square around 6:45 PM Monday. She was headed toward the throngs of protestors and hackeysackers with her kids, a stroller, and a nanny-looking woman, but no Andre.
· Justin Theroux, walking his dogs near Second Avenue and 11th Street on Sunday around 7 PM. He used to look so good, and now he looks so haggard. It makes me sad.
· Jim Jarmusch was at Southpaw last night at the Laika and the Cosmonauts show — very tall and hot, stayed for the entire set. He was with two tall blonde women but was also seen having a VERY animated conversation with Devery, the lead singer of Brooklyn frenchy surf band La Laque, who opened for them. (Man, he is REALLY tall!)
· Earlier this week, at around 10pm, Rebecca Romaijn and unidentified man bought cupcakes and candles at Magnolia Bakery. Looked very happy to be together; I guess her split from Stamos was a good idea?
· Saturday, Selma Blair on w11th street, eating a cupcake and talking loudly about her love for rice and bread pudding...
· Saw Claire Danes and Billy Crudup Saturday night on eighth avenue and 51st Street... maybe coming out of a show. Walking, no canoodling... she was wearing a cute trench. he just looked cute.
· Kyan Douglas, wearing what looked like a schlumpy blue sweatshirt (like something you d clean the apt in), walking very snuggled up to some man up Hudson Street past WXOU at around 5:30 pm on Sunday. (Saw him through the window) His hair looked good though, so I suppose that s something.
· Saw Lili Taylor (of Six Feet Under) in Union Square last night (6/8), teetering toward disaster while attempting to ride a bicycle with a rather bulky man on the back. At first, I thought it was tandem bike; then I realized they were sharing the same banana seat.
· Saw Tom Wolfe this morning (afternoon, whatever—6/9) on the corner of 84th and York. He was wearing (what else?) a white suit in 90-degree weather, and attempting to hail a cab, and I saw him from a distance and thought, "Who does this clown think he is—Tom Wolfe?"
· I saw Ric Ocasek, producer and former lead singer of The Cars walking down Park Avenue South going towards Union Square. He looked very pale, very tall and very ghoulish. He could benefit from a QE4TSG maveover!
· Should've written about this sooner as to be included in the recent edition of Gawker Stalker... This all happened on the night of Da Silvano's double header when the restaurant lived through a crazy British (is she really a royal?) royal's outburst and the guy who apparently got stabbed. Amongst the crowd that gathered around 6:30 pm, including two ambulances and a policeman (on a horse!) to help the guy, who do I see emerge from the craziness but Vincent Gallo? In his scruffy (Diesel) jeans, black t-shirt and leather jacket, walking cooly and unscathed and probably without paying his bill. He walks past me and my girlfriends sitting on a bench, looks at us (scary), sees his very Karen-O-dressed female friend across the street and the two disappear. About an hour later, on the same corner of said benches, the beautiful Marisa Tomei walked by and entered the restaurant.