· Did anyone hear Don Imus on the death of Ray Charles this morning? (I certainly didn't — I'd rather be bludgeoned with a radio than listen to it.) A reader says Imus spent some time making fun of Charles's 36 descendants: Imus said "'that's more than the Million Man March.' Then his cronies start naming the kids, 'Malcolm X Charles, Charles Charles, Ray Charles, Jr.' and laughing."
· Please, please let Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter run for mayor, distributing cigarettes and ice cream to all the children. That would rule. [NYP]
· Our congratulations to Janice Min, Us Weekly's head cheerleader — she's finally popped. No word yet on whether she'll name her new boy "Rogue" or "Rascal" or some hideous celebrity baby name. We're just sad they weren't twins — a lifetime of Min Twins posting would do us right. [NYP]
· Now Lindsay Lohan's dad says he lied in his divorce papers — evidently he made up all those things about Lindsay's mom and her alleged coke-snorting, kitchen-implement-smacking behavior. [NYDN]
· The Martha Stewart do-over is gaining steam... at least in the papers, if not in the courts. [NYDN]