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A disgruntled former staffer needs to get some Miramax rage out of their system. Did he/she not get a ticket to a Fahrenheit 9/11 screening from Harvey Weinstein?

I recently left a temp job at Miramax Films. The morale was higher on the sinking Titanic! Executives are freaking out that for the first time since the 90's, not a single movie is in production.

Miramax ran out of their film production budget before the summer. And the people around Harvey are running around Wall Street with business plans trying to raise more bucks.

The reason? Bomb after bomb has fallen from Miramax. Do you know one person who saw Dirty Dancing 2, My Baby's Daddy, Jersey Girl or Ella Enchanted? The marketing dept. has been crucified by Harvey over the advertising. The only way to get people to see these movies is by hostage taking!

Meanwhile the movies they have yet to release are even bigger stinkers. There's a war movie starring Ben Bratt that cost something like $80 million that's been done for two years and they keep pushing back on the schedule cause it's unreleasable. The two movies JLo did for the company are said to be even worse. More money down the drain!

Anyway, I'm now off to a better place — that's not death!